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Quick Tips to Aid the Transition to a Career in Computer Software Engineering.

Enifome Eka
3 min readMar 13, 2021


There are numerous reasons for wanting to transition to the Computer Software space. Enthusiasm, career change, personal development etc. Given how broad and seemingly complex it is, the mere thought of navigating through the complexities can be quite overwhelming. Without proper prior mental preparation and guide, it can be so easy to get lost and then give up. The following tips will help to ensure that you set off on the right foot and keep you on track. In other words, prepare you for a thriving career in Computer Software.

An in-depth understanding of any concept before attempting always helps.

1. Research.

This will go a long way in determining where a large percentage of your focus and effort will be directed before and during your career climb. A proper understanding of anything before attempting always helps. Gather as much information as necessary from articles, books, podcasts and documentaries. With this firmly established, it only gets easier.

2. Focus selection.

From the first step, you can already tell that the software space is vast and can be spread out into various branches. They include; Web development, multimedia programming, software engineering, product design etc. The list is almost endless. Consider your interests, hobbies and find out how they can be incorporated into any of the software career options. You should make a good pick this way.

3. Get familiar with associated terminologies, languages and their uses.

Just like there are terms associated with law, business, government and others, there are terms that are unique to software engineering. By doing this, you get to kill two birds with a stone as proper knowledge of these words will not only stimulate proper understanding of information gathered much later but also help to build your vocabulary as an individual.

4. Take courses.

Beginning with the fundamentals then progressing to more intricate lessons. Mastery of any art always results in a better outcome. What better way to learn about a topic in-depth than to take a detailed course?
Several individuals and institutions have meticulously put together great content in form of videos and tutorials to ensure you learn as much as possible by simply watching. Take advantage of this.

5. Network with Software professionals via Linkedin, Slack and other platforms.

Surround yourself with professionals in the field. These people have made the mistakes you probably will and already know their way around most aspects of Computer software. To avoid blowing time, learn from their mistakes and try to consult them when faced with certain challenges. You could do this through online networking platforms such as Slack, LinkedIn and the likes or even physical meetups such as Hackathons, Code hangouts and boot camps.

6. Join communities of beginners.

It’s a good feeling when you know that there are a couple of people navigating through the same route as you. Knowing that you get to grow together leaves an even better feeling. Make mistakes, laugh about seemingly strange technicalities and learn together. Sounds great to me!

7. Freelance for the experience.

Acquiring all the information without putting it to use will be a total waste of effort. You may not feel up to the task but it will help to lend your skills to firms in need. Either as an intern or volunteer, the skills you’ve acquired will be highly relevant to the development of almost anything under the influence of Computer software.
From here, it is only natural that you can handle full-time jobs.

8. Fuel your mental willpower.

Frankly, there might be times when it gets extremely overwhelming. From the consistent advancement, constant change in user preference and the numerous developments to keep up with, strong willpower will be required to ensure you charge on at the same pace you began with. Take a short break, read success stories, and bask in the good sensations from reviews of previous projects from satisfied users. Constantly remind yourself of the reason for embarking on this career journey. Then, CARRY ON.

